Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dt 13.2 Blogging Non-School Related Photos

Well to start off I will say that I enjoyed out rather long break alot. I didn't go anywhere special but spent alot of time with my family which meant alot to me. It was nice to see everyone in one house all at the same time. Near the end of the break I was looking forward to getting back to school and back in to routine, as I found I slept in a little too often. Well i'll take you through my pictures to let you know how my holidays went...please enjoy :)

Well this was taken at my Dad's on Christmas Eve. Every year at Christmas he buys us kids (their are 5 of us) a can or two of silly string. We do it indoors, which i've suggested going outside, but my dad just say's "naaa whatever" So of course I wanted to take pics like I do every year so I was without silly string. I grabbed a can near the end and totally got my dad good. There are more pictures to this series and it almost looks like everyone gained up on our dad this year...oh well. Overall it's something we do every year and always have fun doing it :)

This next image is pretty self explanitory, it's the mess that we just created about three minutes earlier. We've learned now to do the silly string before opening presents. Some years we've had bad batches of string and it ruined some gifts and most of the clothing we were wearing that day. And since there are so many of us (the 5 of us plus our partners...then my dad, so 11 total) so the clean up is pretty fast, then we do our stockings and presents and enjoy the rest of the day :)

This is a picture of my sisters artificial tree with snow. I love this tree, it's very christmasy and full of bright ornaments. I took a few shots but ended up liking this one the most. I think I might keep my little Charlie Brown tree up all year...hmmm sounds good to me :)

This was one of my favorite days over the holidays. The day their was Hoar Frost. That is one thing I look forward to every winter because I think it's so beautiful the way the frost holds on to everything. This one was a favorite of mine, but I spent quite a bit of time outside on this day taking pictures of everything that was frosted up :)

This is my youngest brother Brett. I did some portraits of him one afternoon which was alot of fun because I haven't really taken any shots of him (professionally) before. He liked how they turned out and this one was his favorite so I thought I would post it :)

This one is the Chrismas lights on my mom's xmas tree I believe. I love the colors in this image. They just pop out at the viewer which is what I was going for. Now that my sisters know how to create this effect they tried it out themselves and really enjoyed it :)
These next few images were taken at one of out Sunday dinners. This time we let mom relax while we all helped out with dinner. This one I like alot, it's part of my brother Ryan's arm and you can see in the background that he's draining out the pasta. We made cajun chicken pasta, fried rice, caesar salad and dessert...yummy :)

This one is of my neice and she's telling a story of some sort to Ryan's girlfriend. I love this shot because she kind of looks confused but wanting to get her point across. I honestly had no idea what they were talking about, I was just there to capture the pictures of what everyone was doing. Now that I think of it, I don't think I really helped out with dinner, I think I was too busy taking pictures...oops sorry guys :)

This next shot is of Ryan. As you can see Ashley has taken over with the pasta because Ryan got distracted by our neice. We had alot of fun making dinner, but it did get a little too crowded in the kitchen at times. I'm wondering if she was telling him the same story she just told to his girlfriend :)

And the final shot to this Sunday dinner is my sister Shauna getting the salad ready. I love this shot of her. I have some of her looking strait at me but you could tell it was posed. This one came natural and you can tell she's either in conversation with a family member or maybe thinking "why am I stuck making the salad?" Who knows. I'm happy with the shots I chose for this assignment and I hope you enjoyed the little stories for every image :)