Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Color Block

For this assignment we had to chose colors to photograph. I chose Violet, Magenta, Orange and Green. For my similarity colors I chose colored paints that go from green to red, and for my complimentary colors I chose red and green. When I look at the color violet I feel very relaxed or at ease. For me it's a color of calmness and peace (it's also my favorite color.) Magenta is a brighter color and to me it has excitement and energy, and not to overpowering to look at. Orange gives off that warm feeling, like you want to be next to a toasty fire all wrapped up. Green is vibrant, well the green I chose. To me it is also relaxing and energetic. This was a very interesting assignment as well as a bit of a challenge. I mean you see colors around you all day everyday, but to stop and think how that color affects you and your mood is truely different. Like in class when we talked about red being either strong, warm or energetic, people could look at red and see love or romance while others may see danger or panic of some sort. I will be paying attention more to the colors around me everyday trying to determine on how that color makes me feel overall. Like I said...interesting assignment :)

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